If you have been online for any length of time then you probably know that search engines optimization is one of the best ways to get traffic to your website. It is free and can create durable streams of targeted traffic to your website if you do it correctly.
So if you are not yet using search engines optimization strategies to bring more prospective customers into your online business, you are missing out BIG time. And if the reason for this inaction is lack of knowledge and skill, you can now throw that excuse out the window.
Because the fact is, you are about to discover 11 insightful tips that will help you successfully get your optimization campaign up and going plus help you progress really quickly thereafter. It’s taken me a long time to figure this out and even longer to start implementing it in my online business.
But it does not have to be the same for you. You can start making progress sooner than later with this information in your bag of tricks.
Sounds good? Let’s roll!
1. Search engines optimization starts with research. You need to take adequate time to comprehensively find out what your market is searching for. Without this knowledge, you will not be able to provide them with the content and solutions they really want.
The result of this is that search engines will not reward you with sufficient visitors to make your business profitable.
So you need to figure out what people in your market want and then write about that and only that. Without that information, you will lose before you ever start. A great tool to help you do comprehensive market research is Wordtracker.
2. Pick a niche that has a lot of topics to write about. That will help you produce more content and build a larger amount of traffic to your website. This point is all about simple economics.
What you are really doing by picking a niche with lots of topics to write about is picking a niche with a large enough demand. In other words, the more keywords people in your market are using at the search engines, the more opportunities you will have to provide solutions (content) and make money in one way or the other, for example Google AdSense.
The more traffic you will also get as people using various search terms at the search engines find your website over and over again.
3. Thirdly, search engines optimization is now more about the big picture than anything else. What do I mean? Well, the overall theme of your website is what search engines really take into account when ranking pages of your site.
So if an engine can figure out that your website is for example, primarily about golf, it will rank your various pages higher when they focus on a topic within the golf niche. Topics like golf tips, putting, golf swing, golf carts etc. That is why it pays to be focused on one theme or overall topic when building your site. My own experience is that the more focused on one topic my website is, the faster my traffic grows.
4. Furthermore, focus on long tail keywords first. When starting out online, the HUGE temptation is to write about topics that a very large number of people are searching for. Typically such topics are based on short keywords like “internet marketing”, or “make money” or “lose weight”.
But the unknown truth is that these keywords are immensely tough to rank for. There is too much competition at the search engines because everyone is writing about the big popular topics. So here is the better approach.
In the early stages of building your website, focus on writing about keywords like “how to make extra money online” or “how to easily make money from home”. Such longer keywords are called long tail keywords and they typically have lower competition at the search engines. This means it is easier and quicker to rank for them.
Of course the two specific examples I have given above may be competitive by the time you read this. But the principle is that long tail keywords are easier to rank for. Therefore, start with them when building your website. That will get traffic coming to your site quickly. You can then move on to shorter, punchier, more competitive keywords later.
5. Use a specific keyword for each page. Consider each and every single page you build as a stone that forms part of your building. The overall quality of the building will be determined by the strength and quality of each stone that you lay.
Now, for each stone or page to have quality and strength, it needs to focus on a single topic. For example, one page on your site might focus on “cheese cakes”. However, it should not focus on “cheese cakes” and “chocolate cakes” at the same time. The reason for this is that search engines find it easier to figure out what a page is about when it focuses on one topic only.
Hence they rank such pages better and those pages also attract targeted traffic that you can monetize more efficiently. For example, a “cheese cake” page will attract cheese cake cravers who you can advertise cheese cake recipes to. So create keyword specific pages.
6. Get backlinks from authority sites in your niche. You can’t talk about search engines optimization without talking about backlinks. But what are backlinks? They are links that your website receives from other websites. In other words, whenever another site links to yours, you have a backlink.
Why are they so important? They are important because they show search engines that other websites have enough confidence in your site to link to it so that their visitors can see what you have to offer. In other words, each and every backlink is a vote of confidence in your site.
But the best backlinks are those that you get from related sites. These are websites in your niche that are on the same or a similar topic to your site. Their votes of confidence carry more weight because they are perceived as surely knowing what they are doing when they link to your website.
And when a link is from a related website that is also an authority in your niche, search engines really give it immense weight. Their perception is that for an authority site to link to yours, you must really be providing some serious value to searchers in your niche. Consequently they reward your site with really high rankings.
7. Link to authority sites in your niche, sites with good editorial content. To a smaller degree, search engines optimization is also about who you link to.
Nonetheless, it is important to know that search engines look positively upon your website when it adds value to visitors by referring them to editorial content that will provide them with more of the information they are looking for. So link to such websites.
If every link is an affiliate ink, you will suffer lower rankings eventually. And of course if you link to NO NO sites, you will really pay a heavy price and rightly so.
8. We have just talked about the importance of linking to other quality websites. But did you know that linking pages of your website to each other will also improve your rankings? That is because search engines will view each link to a page within your site as a vote of confidence from the “linking page”.
It’s like the linking page is saying that it believes in the value of the other page so much that it has decided to refer visitors to it. So link internally. It is passing on authority to your own pages.
9. Write for humans first then search engines second. The temptation when employing search engines optimization techniques is to include to a keyword many times in your content so that search engines can easily know what you have written about and hopefully rank you well for that keyword.
But the problem is that if you over do it, you will find yourself engaging in keyword stuffing. Your content will not make sense to humans and they will react by leaving your site faaast and NEVER coming back. As a result, your rankings will go lower and lower until your website eventually disappears into oblivion.
So as much as it is important to include your keyword frequently on each page, remember that humans come first. Ultimately, their behavior is what will influence search engines to rank your website well or otherwise.
10. If you can do it without sounding weird, use your specific keyword more at the beginning and the end of your articles. This way, you can use it considerably less throughout the body of your articles and still enjoy great search engine rankings.
11. Lastly, if you want to really speed up the time it takes to rank your website, use a great article distributor. It will help you create backlinks faster and hence gain credibility faster with search engines. I have tried this with my own sites and other people’s sites and it has worked well every time. The article distributor I personally use is Distribute Your Articles.
So there you go! You now have 11 search engines optimization techniques that I guarantee you will seriously improve your rankings if you use them. As with everything pertaining to your online business, be patient and consistent. Keep on applying what you have learned without giving up. If you do, you will reap the reward of improved rankings sooner rather than later.
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